Once upon a time in the middle of the pacific, there was a sailor hunting a great white whale. This sailor was a seaworthy as they come! He had arms the size of barrels and beat the shit out of people that ate spinach!
One night during a particularly violent storm the sailor was thrown overboard. as he sank beneath the tumultuous waves he could think of only one thing...
...Killing that damn whale!
So with his last breathe he left loose one small sperm cell into the salty ocean water. Soon after the great white whale happened by. Seeing his life long enemy crushed by the cruel hands of the sea saddened him. The whale knew that the man was good in heart and deserved a proper burial. Taking the man into his mouth the whale carried his broken body deep down to the soft floor of the sea. As he laid the sailor's body to rest something began to ache from within his stomach.
It was then that he realized the cruel trick of the Sailor. He had swallowed that single floating cell let lose by the sailor. Slowly he felt his insides rupture and and liquefy. With his last bit of strength the whale beached himself, looked to the sky, and smiled for he knew now that his battle with sailor was over.
For days the whales corpse rotted in the sun and then after some number of months a small lump appeared, and then suddenly tore and from within stepped out a man. It was not the sailor but close enough that some mistake him so.
This my friends is the story of my birth.
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